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Denmark as the leading country for happiness and sex

Last month, Denmark was announced as the happiest country in the world. But why?
Of course for many factors and many reasons such as: 

Denmark supports parents and family
- Health care is a civil right -- and a source of social support
- Gender equality is prioritized
- Biking is the norm
- Danish culture puts a positive spin on its harsh environment
- Danes feel a responsibility to one another
(Read this for further information)

but something interesting has also happened in this country within the past decade or so. 
The ban on pornography in Denmark was lifted in 1967. In 1969, Denmark became the first country in the world to legalize pornography.

People in Denmark have free access to pornography; it is sold in most convenience stores, and is available for purchase or rental in practically every video store, including Blockbuster. There are a few regulations: for example, pornography must be placed out of the eyesight of children, and it may not be sold to persons under the age of 15. The TV channel Kanal København broadcasts hardcore pornography free and uncoded at night.
There are no specific restrictions against animal pornography; such affairs come under animal cruelty laws. If no harm or pain has been inflicted on the animal, such acts are legal. This lack of legislation has allegedly made Denmark a center for the production of animal pornography. 

It takes some thinking to realize what are the correlations between such democratic views on sexuality and social happiness.