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Working Women of WWII in rare colourful photos

When millions of men joined the armed forces, women had to replace them by taking jobs that previously had been held by men – Jobs such as bank teller, shoe salesperson or even aircraft mechanic. Woman started working in factories – this was called the “Rosie the Riveter” phenomenon.

Although we’re blessed of not having to witness the atrocities of World War II, some people take great interest in the history of the period. Dave Hall, fascinated by the authentic photographs from the time, brings them back to life by color correcting, toning, and sharpening to restore the brilliant texture and amazing sharpness found in the original negatives and glass plates[1]. Most of the pictures come from the Library of Congress, and were originally taken by Alfred T. Palmer who worked for the Office of War Information (responsible for promoting patriotism, war news management and women recruitment). His photos had to lure young women into the factories by showing women workers as glamorous and even fashionable.

Dave is also running a vintage photo blog, where he publishes his retouched photos. The website is named after Shorpy Higginbotham, who lived over 100 years ago, and today features thousands of high definition images from the 1850s to the 1950s. Some of them could really be confused for contemporary photography!

October 1942. Long Beach, California. “Women are trained to do precise and vital engine installation detail in Douglas Aircraft Co. plants.”

October 1942. “Women are trained as engine mechanics in thorough Douglas training methods. Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California.”

February 1943. Heil & Co., Milwaukee. “Agnes Cliemka, age 23, husband may be going into the service any day. Agnes used to work in a department store. Checking fuel hose on gasoline trailer before it is turned over to the Air Force.”

October 1942. Inglewood, California. “Young woman employee of North American Aviation working over the landing gear mechanism of a P-51 fighter plane.”

October 1942. Yet another still from the Technicolor pajama party that was the American aircraft industry in World War II: “Women at work on bomber, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California.”

October 1942. Long Beach, California. “Girl riveting machine operator at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant joins sections of wing ribs to reinforce the inner wing assemblies of B-17F heavy bombers.”

Women employed as roundhouse wipers having lunch, Chicago & North Western Railroad, Clinton, Iowa. Marcella Hart is at left, Mrs. Elibia Siematter at right. April 1943

Working on a “Vengeance” dive-bomber at Vultee-Nashville. February 1943.

June 1942. Engine inspector for North American Aviation at Long Beach, California.

October 1942. Girl worker at lunch also absorbing California sunshine, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach

October 1942. Engine installers at Douglas Aircraft in Long Beach, California.

B-25 bomber cowl assembly, North American Aviation, Kansas City, Kansas. October 1942.

October 1942. Lathe operator machining parts for transport planes at the Consolidated Aircraft plant in Fort Worth, Texas.

October 1942. “Douglas Aircraft plant at Long Beach, California. An A-20 bomber being riveted by a woman worker.” (With, yes, a power drill.)